2024 Santa Run

Dear Oceanport Residents,

The members of the Oceanport Hook & Ladder have been helping Santa deliver gifts on the fire trucks of Oceanport for many decades. We will once again escort Santa this Christmas Morning. If you would like Santa to deliver a gift for your child or special someone, please fill out the online registration form on our website: 2024 Santa Run

Please indicate on request form if you wish to have Santa deliver to the door or curbside as we want to protect our members as well as Our Residents whom wish to participate in this year’s Santa Run. Presents will be secured in the firehouse and will be handled by members.  

Gifts must be wrapped and placed in a GIFT BAG or OTHER CLOTH BAG that is clearly marked with your last name, the address for the gifts to be delivered and the children’s or special someone’s names. We ask that each gift is marked with the child’s or special someone’s name as well and that the labels are securely attached and readable. Gifts must be dropped off to the Oceanport Hook & Ladder Firehouse on Saturday, December 7th or Saturday December 14th from 9AM to 12PM. We ask for a donation of $10 per gift.

Santa and his elves will deliver the gifts to your child(ren) or special someone, Christmas Morning on the fire truck, between 7am and 11am. Unfortunately, due to the high volume of requests, we are unable to guarantee a certain time of arrival. We will deliver to any age person.

You are receiving this letter because you have asked Santa to come on the fire truck in prior years. We are using an online system, so it is very important for you to register online and provide a valid email address. Registration will begin on the November 29th and continue through December 14th. Please contact us for any gift drop offs after December 14th 2024. Please fill out the online registration form on our website: 2024 Santa Run

If you have any questions, please email OCEANPORTSANTARUN@gmail.com or call 732-542-6928

Joseph Wolf

OPHL Santa Run Chairman

Santa’s Helper