Quint 38-90
Quint 38-90 is a 2000 E-One/Spartan 75′ straight stick Quint. It has a 1500 GPM pump and a 500 gallon tank. Quint 38-90 is first due to all structure fires and structure related calls.

Engine 38-76
Engine 38-76 is a 1991 KME. It has a 1250 GPM pump with a 700 gallon tank. Engine 38-76 is first due to all outdoor type calls, water rescues and EMS assists. Engine 38-76 was designed and assigned to our sister company Port Au Peck Chemical Hose Company until the beginning of 2021 when it was reassigned to our company.

Support Unit/Fire Police 38-99
Support Unit 38-99 is a 2007 Ford Crown Victoria. It was handed down from our Police Department and has been primarily assigned to Fire Police. 38-99 will be used as a support unit for moving firefighter’s around. It carries traffic control equipment such as cones and lights.

Antique Engine 38-77
Engine 38-77 is the company’s antique piece. It is a 1968 Mack with a 1000 GPM pump and a 500 gallon tank. Engine 38-77 was refurbed in 1984 by Pierce. This engine was retired in 2008. Members still pump it every so often. We use it for parades, funerals, Santa Run’s, Fire truck rides and special details.